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Friday, July 11, 2014

First Piece on Bubblews

Connor the Cat doesn't think he's breaking the rules.  If he could, he would remind me that my exact words were:  You're not allowed on the table!...and he would point out, "I'm NOT on the table;I'm in the box!"

Hope you got a bigger laugh from that than my other half.  Sometimes I get the feeling that he doesn't love our 5 cats as much as I do, but then I put up with his drooling old dog, so I guess we're even.

I was at a workshop for work yesterday, but I've been busy writing whenever I can.  Writing for Bubblews is interesting to say the least.

Here's the first piece I wrote for that site:

I hope you enjoy it cause it was one of those pieces that was fun to write!

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